Happiness is a mental state of well being which is created by the positive and emotional aspects of our life. In fact, happiness is a choice. If we decide to be happy, to fill our lives with happy moments we would be happy. We always tend to go behind the things which are not in our favor and further which leads to disappointments and negativity. According to me, happiness is decided by ourselves, by our mind.
How can we train our mind to be happy?
Stay away from negativity:
When we realize we are in a bad state, the first thing to do is to change the mind. Keep yourself away from negative people and negative things. This might be difficult but this is helpful. Keep yourself away from people who try to put you down, who continuously creates a negative environment around you, who hinders your growth, treats you badly and are not happy to see you growing.
The next important thing to keep yourself happy is to meditate. Meditating really helps, it creates positive vibes around you and you start seeing the things from different point of view. You can join the meditation classes, practice it yourself, indulge in happiness courses or start yoga. Don’t forget when you are sad, upset or stressed doing simple breathing can help you calm yourself down and doesn't let stress take over you.
Accept yourself as you are now:
Self-acceptance means accepting yourself as you are. Accepting your body, your income, your work, your beauty. Stop comparing yourself with others. Instead, try comparing yourself with past you, if you are growing by any means, you are doing good. Bad times come to everyone but it doesn’t last. When you love yourself, you try to be the best person you can be and that’s the best you can do for yourself.
Prioritize your health:
Another way to keep yourself happy is to treat your body well. Be kind to your body, stop skipping meals. If you think you should take vitamins for that better energy, go for it. Workout regularly, have a proper balanced diet. Treat yourself with good food over weekends. Stop craving.
Give yourself a welcoming space:
Treat yourself well. Do those little things in your life which makes you happy. It could be anything from making your bed every morning to preparing food for yourself, from going shopping to treating yourself with the best delicacies. The little things in life make a huge difference. You get to see all the positive vibes around and start feeling happier.
Listen to yourself:
We often criticize ourselves which tends to bring our confidence down. Start listening to the inner voice you have, talk to yourself. When you talk to yourself, you understand the positive side of yourself. Try forgiving yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and we should learn from them. People try hard to be so perfect that when they are not, they get themselves into trouble. Loving yourself means you should love your imperfections.
Look in the mirror and say, I love you and I forgive you! You deserve all the happiness in this world.